Friday, February 21, 2014

Week 5

Brainstorm 3 solutions to address the challenges discussed in the article.
     - One helpful solution in regards to the challenges Chapman discussed in his article in my opinion would be having more African American couples therapists and faith-based programs like Nisa Muhammad’s, from the film we watched in class. More of these programs and classes should be available across the nation, especially in the south. Another solution would be for both African American men and women to let go of the stereotypes that society has created for them. Lastly, I would focus on African American males pursuing post-secondary education and earning degrees.

A. How have the stereotypes about Black men and women affected the Black family? 
               -According to the Bethea article, African American men have internalized the dominant view of seeing African American women as “domineering” which has resulted in black men viewing themselves as “second best” to them. Furthermore, black men have victimized themselves in terms of achievement and independence compared to black women. On the other hand, black women have adopted the stereotypes society has created for black men which are that men are unreliable and are more preoccupied with sexual exploitation. Black women have also accepted the ideal image of manhood based on physical characteristics, salary, and professional status.
B. The authors end by discussing areas that need to be addressed if counselors are to be effective with Black couples.   Describe the 3 areas of Issues and Approaches that need to be addressed in counseling African Americans.  What are your thoughts about the solutions posed?
       - According to Bethea counselors need to be aware of the culture, background, history, and life concerns when counseling African American women. Secondly, there needs to be more empirical research. Lastly research on African American women and African American men need to be integrated.
       -I personally believe these are great approaches for when counseling African American couples. Awareness of African American culture is vital to the success of black marriage.

Choose 2 Anti-Intimacy Beliefs and relate each back to the legacy of slavery
1.      I’ll lose anyone who gets close to me. This belief came about because of the constant separation slaves endured; from their familiar villages, to loved ones being sold away from their families.
2.      I have to control everyone around me to protect myself from being hurt again. This belief came about because of all the controlling factors attributed to the legacy of slavery, causing extreme emotional pain, thus learning to be controlling.

Describe the four distinct ways that men in the study defined manhood.
1.      Self-determinism and accountability
2.      Family
3.      Pride
4.      Spirituality and Humanism
What were the top 2 themes emerging as most prominent for the men interviewed in the study? Are these the themes you might have expected?
                        - Responsibility-Accountability & Autonomy were the themes most prominent in the study.  The results did not surprise me because this is how society perpetuates the idea of manhood.


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